Ghana Accra Service Missionaries
Ghana Accra Service Missionaries
Ghana Accra Service Missionaries
Student Success Resources
Service Missionaries
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With BYU-Pathway Worldwide's global presence, service missionaries play a central role in finding, shepherding, and supporting students at the local level in most countries. As missionaries give Christ-like service to the students they work with, they demonstrate the truthfulness of King Benjamin's words: When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17)

Senior missionary couple in a meeting Senior missionary couple

Service Missionaries

Called & Set Apart

Service missionaries assigned to BYU-Pathway are called and set apart through local priesthood leadership and thus carry a meaningful mantle. Missionaries watch over, encourage, and empower their students to become disciple leaders and capable learners. In the same way that full-time proselyting missionaries pray for their investigators, service missionaries assigned to BYU-Pathway also have access to the powers of heaven and should use that power in behalf of students, as well as to seek out new students who need the educational and spiritual blessings that BYU-Pathway's offerings can provide.

Senior sister missionary helps women on a laptop Senior missionary couple as a conversation with young men Senior missionary couple Ghana Service Missionaries - Elder Boateng
When we first started our mission we thought it would be us contributing more; however, we quickly realized that we were the ones benefitting the most.
ELDER & SISTER CARDOZA Guayaquil, Ecuador
Senior sister missionary talking with a young woman
Service Missionaries
Roles & Responsibilities
Here are just a few of the roles missionaries assigned to BYU-Pathway fulfill:

  • Provide love and support to students.
  • Facilitate weekly gatherings for PathwayConnect students. (Instruction is provided by lead students and online instructors.)
  • Inform Church members and leaders about BYU-Pathway's offerings.
  • Build strong relationships with local ward and stake ecclesiastical leaders and institute directors.
Service Missionaries Assigned to BYU-Pathway

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I'm interested in becoming a service missionary

I'm a current service missionary


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