Pathway - Manqueo family, woman seated at a table with a laptop
Pathway - Manqueo family, woman seated at a table with a laptop
Courses & Gatherings
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PathwayConnect courses are designed to help you learn foundational skills, build confidence, and develop spiritually. All courses count toward an online degree.

Arkadiusz Kolodziej Young woman works on a laptop with a woman cooking in the background

PathwayConnect includes 5-6 courses and all courses count toward your degree. Each semester is a combination of academic and religion courses. In your final semester of PathwayConnect, you also take an additional course as part of the first certificate of your bachelor's degree.

Course List

Academic Courses

  • Students discover how to use education to improve their lives by studying learning strategies, time and financial management, thinking errors, and talent development.

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  • Students strengthen career skills, learn decision making strategies, practice professional communication, and collaborate with others to solve problems.

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  • Students discover and strengthen the skills they need for continued success throughout a university degree program.

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  • During the third and final semester of PathwayConnect, students will begin working on the first certificate that will ultimately lead to their future bachelor's degree. Students will select which certificate to take during their PC 102 Professional Skills course.

Religion Courses

  • PathwayConnect students take one institute course each of the terms they are enrolled in PathwayConnect at no extra cost. Available courses vary at each institute location.

When you leave this frail existence, your material possessions will remain here, but the Lord has declared that the knowledge you acquire here will rise with you in the resurrection.
Russell M. Nelson, "Education, a Religious Responsibility"
When are course assignments due?
Assignment due dates vary according to the instructor, but most assignments are due on Wednesday and Saturday of each week at 11 p.m., Mountain Time (UTC - 6/7). Exact due dates are found within each course.
Are there lectures I have to attend online?
No. However, courses do require interaction through discussion boards, quizzes, and projects. Instructors also have optional office hours that students can use to receive additional help.
How much time does each course require per week?
Time spent on courses each week depends on each student’s ability and productivity. At a minimum, students should expect to commit 10–20 hours each week to their courses.
Group of Students icon WEEKLY GATHERINGS

In addition to taking courses online, students also gather once a week virtually in online groups or at a local church building where they participate in activities associated with their courses, build friendships, and get support.

two women share a laugh while seated with a laptop Laptop sits on an outdoor table with a virtual meeting on screen

Gather for 2-2.5 hours

Students gather for either 2 or 2.5 hours each week. This includes one hour for an academic gathering, plus a religion gathering that ranges from 1 hour to 90 minutes. Students participate in institute, and available courses and gathering times vary at each institute location.

Two young men share a laugh in class

Participate in discussions

PathwayConnect gatherings help students deepen their learning through teaching. Each week, a different student takes a turn leading learning activities and discussions during the gathering.

Get support

Only one word seems adequate when describing the feeling you get at a gathering — “family.” It is because of the love the students and service missionaries share as they work together to accomplish goals. Most students say that weekly gatherings are their favorite part of the program.

In Pathway you are never alone. You can consider [Pathway] another family.
Jacqueline Sanchez
PathwayConnect Student | Monterrey, Mexico
Am I required to go to PathwayConnect gatherings?
Yes. Students should strive to attend all gatherings. The weekly gatherings are a vital component of the PathwayConnect program, where students build meaningful relationships, deepen learning, gain leadership skills, prepare for further education, and much more.

Students who are traveling and need to attend a gathering in another city should coordinate the visit through the service missionaries in the area they plan to visit.
Can I miss a gathering?
Yes, but students lose attendance points in their course for every missed gathering. Because attendance comprises a significant part of a student’s overall course grade, students should commit to attending all gatherings. In certain situations, including medical emergencies, individual gatherings may be excused for a student. Such determinations, however, are made at the sole discretion of individual online instructors.

Students who are traveling and need to attend a gathering in another city should coordinate the visit through the service missionaries in the area they plan to visit.
Is there an instructor at the gatherings?
No. Instructors do not attend PathwayConnect gatherings, but service missionaries do attend each week and help students throughout their time in the program. Students may meet virtually with their online instructors during the instructor’s designated office hours.