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Explore a rewarding career in family history
  • Choose from professional certificates or an associate degree.
  • Courses designed to give you the skills of a historian and genealogist.

Start Application
    Flexible schedules built for busy people like you
    Significantly lower tuition with guaranteed scholarships
    Easily transfer credits from other U.S. universities

BYU-Pathway Worldwide makes higher education possible for everyone! Whether you're looking to hone your research skills or pursue a job opportunity in genealogy, BYU-Pathway offers three ways for you to expand your family history knowledge with courses that are completely online and affordable.

Three Options

  • Family History Research 1

    Certificate #1

    Family History

    15 credits

    • Basic Computer
    • Paleography
    • Research Methods
    • Evidence Analysis
  • Family History Research 2

    Certificate #2

    Advanced Family History

    15 credits

    • Genealogical Writing
    • Geographic Research
    • Genetic Genealogy
    • Advanced Research
  • Family History Research Icon 3

    Associate Degree

    Family History Research

    60 credits

    • Genealogist career path
    • Certificates 1 & 2
    • General Education
    • Religious Courses
Quote from Fabiana of Argentina after taking the family history certificate course: Participating in BYU-Pathway has changed everything. I’ve learned how to read documents in paleography that are hundreds of years old. I now have the knowledge and understanding needed to do family history research correctly.

It changed everything

"Participating in BYU-Pathway has changed everything. I’ve learned how to read documents in paleography that are hundreds of years old. I now have the knowledge and understanding needed to do family history research correctly."

Fabiana Loverde de Huffaker

Quote from Megan Hillyer about family history certificate: Just over four years ago, I enrolled. My husband and I had six kids at the time, and by the end of the third semester we had seven! It was a sacrifice, but the growth that came was incredible. I have now completed an associate degree in family history research from BYU-Idaho.

Worth the sacrifice

“Just over four years ago, I enrolled. My husband and I had six kids at the time, and by the end of the third semester we had seven! It was a sacrifice, but the growth that came was incredible. I have now completed an associate degree in family history research from BYU-Idaho.”

Megan Hillyer

All new students who apply to BYU-Pathway are eligible to receive a
The Heber J. Grant Tuition Discount is available for BYU-Pathway students. After enrolling and completing a lesson about principles of self-reliance, students will be awarded a tuition discount of 10, 25, or 50% off their tuition balance. Individual award amounts are determined by need.

To receive this scholarship:

  • STEP 1: Apply to BYU-Pathway Worldwide.
  • STEP 2: After enrolling, complete an interactive lesson in your student portal.

The tuition discount applies to all courses associated with PathwayConnect and online degree programs (offered in partnership with BYU-Idaho and Ensign College).

Save time and money

With an education you can believe in

Eager to make a difference? BYU-Pathway Worldwide will give you the high-quality education, personal and spiritual growth, and career skills you need to become employable and a leader in your home and community. Earn a career-building certificate in one year or less — while earning your associate or bachelor's degree.

Certificates and degrees are available in:

Degree Icons

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