BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides access to gospel-based certificates and degrees, completely online, at an affordable price in 180+ countries. At the same time, BYU-Pathway helps students stay on or return to the covenant path.
Using BYU-Pathway in your ministry
BYU-Pathway Worldwide helps leaders reach those who are struggling spiritually and/or temporally. BYU-Pathway provides long-term ministering through fellowshipping and education.
Unemployed or underemployed individuals
BYU-Pathway can help members earn job-ready certificates and/or a degree to establish or transition into a career.
“I’ve received blessings from the practical skills learned through BYU‑Pathway. The COVID-19 pandemic took a heavy toll on the company I worked for, and I was laid off along with many fellow employees. I began looking for a new job. Much to my surprise, one of my course lessons at that time was called “Finding a Better Job,”...I immediately applied the skills I learned and was able to find a great new company to work for.” Yuki Omine | Japan
“I’ve received blessings from the practical skills learned through BYU‑Pathway. The COVID-19 pandemic took a heavy toll on the company I worked for, and I was laid off along with many fellow employees. I began looking for a new job. Much to my surprise, one of my course lessons at that time was called “Finding a Better Job,”...I immediately applied the skills I learned and was able to find a great new company to work for.” Yuki Omine | Japan
Less active individuals and families
BYU-Pathway helps less active members reconnect to the gospel and make friends in their area by providing spiritual growth opportunities and fellowshipping.
“I wasn’t an active member when I first heard about PathwayConnect. It was God’s way to find me, His lost sheep. BYU-Pathway shaped my life. Those three semesters [in PathwayConnect] were the best times in school I have ever had. I learned so much from my institute classes that I went back to church.” Lavinia Tafuna | Tonga
“I wasn’t an active member when I first heard about PathwayConnect. It was God’s way to find me, His lost sheep. BYU-Pathway shaped my life. Those three semesters [in PathwayConnect] were the best times in school I have ever had. I learned so much from my institute classes that I went back to church.” Lavinia Tafuna | Tonga
Young adults
BYU-Pathway’s gospel-centered courses and institute requirements can be a source of strength and direction.
“I’ve never seen anything this powerful in bringing into activity young adults who have wandered away.” Stanford Demars, Former Stake President | United States
“I’ve never seen anything this powerful in bringing into activity young adults who have wandered away.” Stanford Demars, Former Stake President | United States
Returned missionaries
BYU-Pathway can help returned missionaries continue to be involved in the gospel while getting an education and progressing toward a family and career.
More than 95% of returned missionaries who participate in BYU-Pathway are still active three years after returning home.
More than 95% of returned missionaries who participate in BYU-Pathway are still active three years after returning home.
Recent Converts
Newly baptized members have opportunities to progress and fellowship, making it more likely that they’ll stay active.
Friends of the Church
Many individuals who are not members of the Church gain a testimony through BYU-Pathway’s courses and eventually join the Church.
Non-native English speakers
BYU-Pathway provides tools for improving English skills and professional communication.
Those who can’t travel to a campus
BYU-Pathway can be an excellent resource for those who want to start or complete a degree, but can’t attend a Church-university campus either because of distance, job, family responsibilities, or cost.
"I started BYU-Pathway the January after my divorce. I managed to work full time as a waitress, homeschool my kids, attend my Pathway meetings, and do well in my classes. My BYU-Pathway group, and the amazing classes, helped me overcome some of the hardest trials in my life as I adjusted to my new life on my own.” Dawson Turner | United States
"I started BYU-Pathway the January after my divorce. I managed to work full time as a waitress, homeschool my kids, attend my Pathway meetings, and do well in my classes. My BYU-Pathway group, and the amazing classes, helped me overcome some of the hardest trials in my life as I adjusted to my new life on my own.” Dawson Turner | United States
Would you like BYU-Pathway to reach out to your friend?

Foster Self-Reliance
In addition to strengthening the Church, BYU-Pathway helps students improve their employment and build careers in their local communities.
Students build a degree by selecting three certificates that stack into a bachelor’s degree. Certificates can be completed in one year or less and teach marketable job skills that can lead to immediate improved employment.
View all Certificates & Degrees
Students build a degree by selecting three certificates that stack into a bachelor’s degree. Certificates can be completed in one year or less and teach marketable job skills that can lead to immediate improved employment.
View all Certificates & Degrees
of students increased their faith and testimony of Jesus Christ.
of certificate earners continue education or improve employment.

Tuition pricing
Tuition prices are significantly reduced when compared to other schools, thanks in large part to support provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Scholarships are also available for recently returned full-time missionaries, and additional scholarships are being developed for students with financial need.
Tuition Prices
Tuition Prices
What is BYU-Pathway Worldwide?

Need help getting started?
Stake presidents may call a stake welfare and self-reliance specialist assigned to BYU-Pathway Worldwide (Handbook 22.9.4 ) to assist with the educational needs in their area. They may also reach out to a local welfare and self-reliance manager who has been trained to provide information about BYU-Pathway.
Welfare and self-reliance stake specialist assigned to BYU-Pathway
Identifying and inviting new students to participate in BYU-Pathway is an essential part of your role. BYU-Pathway is a proven way to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and participation in His Church.
Welfare and self-reliance stake specialist assigned to BYU-Pathway
Identifying and inviting new students to participate in BYU-Pathway is an essential part of your role. BYU-Pathway is a proven way to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and participation in His Church.
Learn more about how you can do this important work.
Students must meet a minimum level of English proficiency.
For more information, including eligibility requirements: