The certificate in family history research introduces students to employment options in the genealogical profession and helps them gain the fundamental research skills and knowledge needed to become successful family history researchers, teach family history skills to others, and assist in promoting family history work.
This certificate is offered by BYU-Idaho, with

Why choose this certificate?
Family history research training will provide you with the historical context, research skills, and hands-on technical learning required for you to become a competent family historian and genealogist. It also trains you in digital humanities, web publishing, human geography, genetic genealogy/DNA, editing and publishing, with ample opportunity for writing, workshops, and archival experience.
BYU-Pathway has found that certain combinations of certificates lead to better job opportunities. Most degrees have a

- Self-Employment, including researcher for basic research problems, document lookup specialist, or transcriber
- Entry level staff at information institution
- With associate degree, possibility for employment as a professional researcher (private or firm), educator, or middle leadership at information institutions.
Alternatively, we recommend searching for jobs requiring the skills obtained in this certificate such as organization, data entry, research, and analysis.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
- Define a genealogical research problem.
- Develop a plan to effectively and efficiently solve a basic US research problem.
- Gather information from documents relevant to a basic US research problem.
- Analyze evidence on a basic level to reach appropriate conclusions.
- Record conclusions in standard genealogical formats such as family group sheets, pedigree charts, oral histories, family histories, and personal histories.
- Teach family history skills to others and assist in promoting family history work.