These five Linkedin tips can help you, like they helped Charles Crankson, get a better job

Charles Crankson, now an alum from BYU-Pathway Worldwide living in Ghana, had a basic understanding of LinkedIn, but he couldn’t seem to figure it out on his own. When Charles saw that his PC 102 class would involve creating a new LinkedIn profile, he was eager to learn.
As he continued improving his profile, his passion for LinkedIn and its easy resources for finding a job grew.
“From the very beginning, I felt I could go far through LinkedIn. I knew one day it could help me get a job. I had a strong feeling about that,” Charles said.Learning the basics of LinkedIn can improve your chances of finding a job, especially as you include the skills and certificates you’ve gained through BYU-Pathway. Here are five tips for improving your LinkedIn profile.
1. Profile photo, headline, and industry
When setting up your profile, you want to make it easy for other LinkedIn members to connect with you. Some helpful resources include a professional profile picture
2. Profile summary
Your profile summary should be short and concise but clear. You should highlight these four important pieces of information: who you are, what you do, why your work matters, and your contribution or impact.
3. Experience
Including your work experience on LinkedIn makes a big impression. According to LinkedIn,
4. Skills, endorsements, and recommendations
Skills and certificates add to your profile by highlighting your abilities, strengths, and expertise. Consider inviting current or former coworkers and supervisors to validate your profile information and leave you a reputable recommendation.

5. Your profile, your story
Your LinkedIn profile is a tool to showcase the skills and projects that represent who you are as a creator and employee. Whether it’s a project, certificate, or portfolio you're particularly proud of, putting these accomplishments on your profile helps employers learn who you are through your work and how you could be a potential asset to their business.
A brighter future
Charles continued to improve his LinkedIn skills and shared what he was learning
“I’ve been able to excel. I’ve been doing so well. I’m so proud of myself, and my self-confidence has improved. Ever since BYU-Pathway, now I have hope. Now, I’m able to see a brighter future,” Charles said.
For more tips to improve your LinkedIn profile, visit