Follow this guide to organize your time and responsibilities and improve your studies

Having a structured study plan can be the key to academic success. Whether you are a student seeking to enhance your learning experience or boost productivity, learning how to create a study plan is a valuable skill to acquire.
So what is a study plan? A study plan helps you organize your days and weeks into a schedule, and it can be carefully designed to maximize your learning potential. It might include when you plan to study, your goals, and any other personal commitments you have.
Online learning is all about self-discipline. Follow these four tips that have been proven to help you avoid procrastination and be successful!

Tip #1: Format your plan
Whether it’s a digital or physical calendar or a study app, pick a format, system, or tool that will be easy for you to access and use daily. Write the days of the week across the top and the times down the left-hand side.
Tip #2: Add the essential parts of your life
Add your responsibilities to the plan, such as work, Church callings, gatherings, group work meetings, and other commitments. Setting aside time for regular responsibilities in your life — and time for fun! — will help you maintain a healthy life balance.
Tip #3: Add study time to your schedule

Calculate how much time you need to dedicate to each class according to your credits. Use this chart to estimate the minimum time you should realistically spend on each class. Dedicate more time to challenging classes or assignments.
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Add your study sessions to your plan, and make sure to include breaks between the sessions; interleaving is more effective than scheduling everything in one day. Studying multiple subjects for a shorter time is more effective than only studying one subject for a longer time each day.
Tip #4: Stick to your plan
The most crucial step in any plan is to be consistent! Be disciplined and be ready to adapt, as needed. Study plans are personal, so if you try and you’re not seeing results, adjust!
Remember, keep it simple. Sticking to your plan will be easier the simpler it is. You’ve got this!