Students around the world welcome Clark G. Gilbert as the organization’s first president

At the heart of BYU-Pathway Worldwide is a deep sense of belonging and unity. This feeling is made possible in part through the wonderful technology of our age, which opens the doors of communication for students and administrators to work with and support one another in truly remarkable ways.
On November 16, 2017, BYU-Pathway Worldwide celebrated that unity during the
The welcome video — simple and heartfelt — is a representation of what BYU-Pathway Worldwide is: Students uniting throughout the world in a common cause of hope and gratitude for the blessings education provides them.

BYU-Pathway students shared their love for President Gilbert and BYU-Pathway Worldwide
In the video, students shared their gratitude for different aspects of

President Gilbert, I know that you are concerned about students, and I love knowing that my president acts this way. It gives me much more confidence in my studies and the university I am in.
Eloise Tsukuda – São Paulo, Brazil

I am proud and grateful for the man you’ve been through your life, to be in tune with the Spirit, to lead this program.
Lyza Nau – Provo, Utah
BYU-Pathway students are one in purpose
BYU-Pathway’s ability to gather students from all over the world and unite them in common purpose is a large part of what makes the organization so unique.
As students work with and help one another progress through their courses, a bond begins to form, and students see each other as more than just classmates. They begin to see that BYU-Pathway is more than an affordable way to earn a university degree — it’s an organization that unites people with a common purpose to learn, grow, and improve their lives through high-quality education and gospel principles.

I never knew that the Spirit could be so present in learning, and that’s what I appreciate about BYU-Pathway the most is that the Spirit is there in every subject that I’ve learned.Merry McGuire – Mesa, Arizona
BYU-Pathway students welcome President Gilbert into their lives
BYU-Pathway Worldwide is about unity — both with the Lord and with other people — and nowhere is that seen better than in BYU-Pathway’s own student community, which is full of love and support from student to student and now from student to president.
And while the student welcome video for President Gilbert was just a small example of that love and support, it truly captured the nature of the organization and the people who make it so special.

Thank you. Thank you because you believe us. You believed that I could do it, and I did! So, thank you. Wenderson Silva – São Bernardo, Brazil
Watch the welcome video here:
For more information about BYU-Pathway Worldwide and the benefits of its programs, visit