At the conclusion of Spring Semester 2022 (Apr.–July), 2,675 students are anticipated to have completed an online certificate or degree from BYU-Idaho or Ensign College, supported by BYU-Pathway Worldwide.
Among the students who completed online certificates and/or degrees are 2,260 PathwayConnect completers. Of all awarded students, 734 earned a bachelor’s degree, 452 earned an associate degree, and 2,376 completed a certificate. These students represent 90 countries and 50 U.S. states.
BYU-Idaho held graduation commencement services for graduates on July 20. Ensign College holds their commencement services once a year in April.
Visit BYU-Pathway’s website to learn more and apply.
Data as of July 20, 2022

“BYU-Pathway helped me realize that everything was possible and that the only thing that I needed to do was dedicate myself. I studied hard, and I did my very best. Now I’m graduating next week with my bachelor’s degree from BYU-Idaho.”
— Renaltho Paul, Haiti