Through the support of his family, community, and BYU-Pathway, Jean-Baptiste watched his dreams come true

My degree journey has been full of both daunting challenges and enriching experiences. Enrolling to receive a bachelor's degree in applied business management through BYU-Pathway was a significant opportunity for me.
The first degree that I received in Nigeria was not in the field I had initially hoped to pursue. Here in Africa, it is common to apply for one course but be offered something entirely different. I wanted to study economics but was assigned French instead! Not wanting to lose the admission, I spent six years at the University of Ibadan earning my degree, which would have typically taken four years if not for frequent strikes.
Working and sacrificing together
Pursuing a degree in applied business management was a dream come true. It allowed me to finally study a subject I was passionate about. However, during this time, my children were still very young, and my wife had traveled 5,000 kilometers away to Tanzania for a government contract job. It was a challenging period as I had to balance work, childcare, and school. As our financial situation was already strained, paying for my education was another hurdle, which is why I supported my wife’s decision to work in Tanzania to help pay the bills.

Financial support: a turning point
While I managed to cover the costs of my first few courses, I struggled to continue paying the further I got into my degree. I learned about the Hall Foundation Scholarship for BYU-Pathway students. I applied for the scholarship and was fortunate to receive it. This scholarship covered 100% of my tuition fees, with the condition that I maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher.
This became a turning point in my academic journey. Determined to succeed, I worked hard to meet the GPA requirement to maintain my scholarship. Initially, I took four courses per term, but due to the challenges I faced, I later reduced my course load to manage my responsibilities better.
It takes a village
I am profoundly grateful to my Heavenly Father for this incredible opportunity and the support I received from Him throughout my journey. I know that His guidance made all of this possible.
I am also deeply thankful to my wife for her unwavering support. It was not easy for her or our boys, but together, we overcame the challenges and succeeded.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Hall Foundation for making it financially possible for me to continue my education. I do not know if I would have been able to complete my degree without their support, and I will forever be grateful.
I would also like to thank the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for their inspired efforts in creating opportunities like BYU-Pathway for its members and the world. This has truly been a blessing in my life that no one should miss out on.
Finally, I want to express my appreciation to all my instructors, classmates, tutors, and mentors. Their contributions were vital to my success, and I am deeply grateful for their encouragement and support. I would not be where I am today without each of these influences in my life.