BYU-Pathway missionaries share their first-hand experience seeing PathwayConnect change students' lives

Perhaps the most significant of BYU-Pathway’s purposes is to “get the gospel down into students’ hearts.” We have witnessed this miracle first hand — that is why we serve in BYU-Pathway.
We first heard about the program in 2012 when we were called to help start a new PathwayConnect location in Victorville, California. Serving there was very rewarding as we witnessed many miracles take place in the lives of our students.
Gospel Blessings in BYU-Pathway
One of our students suffered greatly from the loss of a baby many years ago. She had become angry with God and stopped going to church. When she joined PathwayConnect, the Spirit touched her as she received loving support from her missionaries and fellow students. Her anger toward God dissipated; her heart was healed and she began attending church again.

Another young sister came back to the Church for the first time in years after thoughtfully applying the lessons she learned in her courses. She began to understand how to prove the principle of obedience in her life. Even though her path was sometimes difficult, she had found a change of heart. We’re happy to say that after completing PathwayConnect later that year, she went on to serve a full-time mission.
Later, as PathwayConnect continued to grow in California, we were assigned to supervise gatherings across the region. We were privileged to meet with dedicated missionaries and students, visit weekly gatherings, explore the benefits of the program with priesthood leaders, and assist in launching the program in new locations across the state.
This beloved period of our service opened our eyes beyond our own students to see the gospel getting deep into students’ hearts everywhere. Meeting so many individuals increased our appreciation of BYU-Pathway’s influence as a worldwide program.
Dedicate Yourselves

We love PathwayConnect because of the hope, opportunities, and miracles it brings into the lives of its students and missionaries. We promise that those who dedicate themselves to the gospel lessons taught will come closer to Heavenly Father and feel His love more abundantly.
PathwayConnect is an inspired program. It has been a blessing in the lives of many people and certainly in ours. It is an instrument in the Lord’s hands as He continues to “hasten His work.”Elder and Sister Heywood have served as missionaries since June 11, 2012. They have enjoyed their service as on-site missionaries, area missionary coordinators, and now serve in the BYU-Pathway Home Office supporting missionaries throughout the world. Both were professional educators before their mission and have since retired. Married for 50 years, they are blessed with six children and 22 grandchildren.
PathwayConnect is a program of miracles! How have you or someone you know been blessed by applying gospel principles while in the program? Share your story with us in the comments below.