PathwayConnect finisher Puje shows that you can always learn something new

An introduction to new beliefs
Puje Nyamaa grew up in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, when Mongolia was a socialist country that had banned Christianity. However, after the Mongolian Revolution of 1990, a new government was formed and many Christians started coming to Mongolia, including missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Puje and her children lived next door to the mission home in Mongolia, where they often saw missionaries walking by. She had always believed in a higher power, and at that time in her life, she needed more help than ever. She was recently divorced and raising her two children alone with hopes that a higher power could guide her life in a better direction.

One day, as she was taking her daughter to ballet class, she saw the missionaries again. They were trying to get a taxi, so she offered to give them a ride. During the drive, they chatted briefly about some of the doctrine of the Church. Interested in learning more, she gave them her address and they visited her two days later.
When asked if she believed in God during the lesson, Puje expressed to the missionaries her belief in a higher power. They explained to her that this “higher power” was Heavenly Father and that He could bless her life as she grew a relationship with Him.

As Puje learned more about her Father in Heaven and the Savior’s Atonement for all mankind, she quickly fell in love with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
From the very first time the missionaries invited Puje and her two children to church, they never missed a sacrament meeting. She and her children decided to follow Christ’s example and were baptized. Her love of the gospel even led her to serve a mission in England and Finland.
An opportunity for growth
Puje had received a master’s degree in engineering. But, as a “collector of papers,” as her mom called her, she wanted to learn more. When she heard about BYU-Pathway Worldwide’s PathwayConnect program, she knew she wanted to enroll.
Puje had a strong desire to learn new skills, a desire that continued to grow over time. “I retired five years ago, but I have energy, experience, and education. I want to be useful to the society where I live and share my experiences with the new generation while I have enough energy to do so.”
“In sacrament meeting, our bishop announced it was for everyone over 18 years old and up to 100. I thought ‘I’m still young! Not yet 100!’” she said.
But new knowledge wasn’t the only thing Puje gained from her classes. BYU-Pathway Worldwide introduced Puje to friends from all over the globe. “We’re from different corners of the world, but we share the same desire,” she said.
It also gave her the opportunity to learn temporal skills through the Spirit. “PathwayConnect is so well-designed. I love to read the spiritual excerpts, talks, and scriptures. They give a deep understanding of gospel principles.” Having the Holy Ghost as an active participant in learning makes all the difference.
A deeper love for the gospel

Puje gained an even stronger love for the gospel of Jesus Christ through the PathwayConnect program.
“I love my God and His Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer and Savior, very much. I’m so thankful that I have His Gospel in my life and feel so blessed,” Puje said. “I can’t pay back what They gave me, and I promised myself that I will do whatever God wants me to do and achieve those goals that He puts in my way.”
Like Puje, you can achieve any dream you have with faith in Jesus Christ and the determination to work hard. Learn how