Receiving the Heber J. Grant Tuition Discount is helping Edna succeed in school and in her career

Hello! My name is Edna Mafavuke. l live in Harare, Zimbabwe. l enrolled with BYU-Pathway last semester and I am pursuing my degree in business. I currently work full-time and am serving in my ward as a family history consultant and as the Primary president.
“By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass.” By just enrolling in BYU-Pathway l have been able to see so many great things that l never thought would happen. The things l have always wished for to become academically qualified and to become someone who can be worth more in the industry of accounting and business. I dream to become a qualified chartered accountant.
Finding balance

Many people in Zimbabwe struggle with finances to really pursue their careers, and they end up dropping out and finding other ways of survival. Growing up in a family that prioritizes education has helped me know that education will help me succeed in this ever-changing world.
BYU-Pathway changed my life in so many ways as it has helped me first and foremost to plan my life. I realized that the program had everything to do with making me strike a balance as l had work, family, and school commitments which l needed to strike a balance, and I needed to carefully plan, and that was my only way to succeed.
At first, l got so overwhelmed with all my commitments. l thought to myself, did l make the right decisions? What l loved about this question was l could feel deep inside of me that l was on the right track. I, at times, could engage my mother to tell me how l can manage it all, and she plainly told me that, “Edna, if you were to quit anything from your list of commitments, BYU-Pathway should forever remain as your top priority.”
With just this, I could find every reason to do my work and assignments with a happy heart knowing that l am doing it because l prayed for such a chance in my life. And l was happy to realize I completed my first semester with a good grade of 92%.
The Heber J. Grant Scholarship

When l then received an email that there was a tuition discount for BYU-Pathway l was so excited. I remember very well BYU-Pathway had contacted me over their payment, which l had proposed to pay at the end of the month, but I did not know how I was going to pay for it. Then I received the news about the Heber J. Grant Tuition Discount ! I quickly applied and instead of paying the total fee that was due for the second semester, l was glad to realize l was going to pay less because I had received a scholarship. I even felt motivated to work harder in my second semester, and l am pleased to note that l can do it. I have registered already for my first certificate in project management , and l have faith and trust in what the Savior has in store for me.
I am even grateful for the opportunity BYU-Pathway is giving me to become competitive in the accounting and business profession and helping me become a qualified chartered accountant, and l know the Lord has sent the right people, programs, and opportunities to take me there. Being self-reliant is one gospel principle my family and l value and I, through support from the Church, find it all worth the time and effort. It pleases me most to take care of my family needs and personal needs through my sweat and effort and being responsible.
l feel that the scholarship helped me very much, and I’ll forever be thankful. Indeed by small and simple things, greater things were brought to pass in my life. Because of the Heber J. Grant Tuition Discount , BYU-Pathway came into my life as a dream come true and l am being refined to be the person the Lord wants me to be.
All new and returning BYU-Pathway students are eligible to receive the Heber J. Grant Tuition Discount — a 10, 25, or 50% tuition discount (amount based on need). After enrolling, students must complete an interactive module in their student portal in order to receive the discount.