Through personal revelation, Anastância recognized that the Lord is her personal tutor and partner on her educational journey
“For me, the most important thing is truly living the PathwayConnect program.” Anastância Balanga believes PathwayConnect is much more than assignments and exercises; it has inspired her to live in a way that has brought her eternal blessings.
![Anastância Balanga](!/quality/90/?
Anastância is 34 years old and lives in Angola in central Africa with her husband and two children. She joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 14 years ago, and then was called to serve a full-time mission in South Africa. Currently, Anastância serves in the Relief Society presidency, and her husband serves as branch president.
The doctrine of personal revelation guides Anastância’s life. Years ago, she felt like something wasn’t quite right about the way she was living. She let that feeling motivate her and began praying to understand what she needed to change. It was at this moment that Anastância heard Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf say, “For members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea — it’s a commandment.”Anastância felt this was an answer from the heavens. She was already the mother of two children, active in her community, a counselor in the Relief Society presidency, and an English teacher. She was uncertain about her ability to continue her education at that time.
Despite those doubts, Anastância knew this was an answer from God. She and her husband counseled together and decided they both should apply to PathwayConnect.
Anastância has continued seeking personal revelation to guide her family and her education. Through this process, various scriptures have made a profound impact on her educational experience.
1. Doctrine and Covenants 130:19
And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.Anastância says, “I truly believe that by working towards higher education, I will gain more knowledge and intelligence and become a better person. I will have more opportunities in this life and so much advantage in the next life.”
As Anastância has pursued her education, she has seen blessings come to her and her family members. Her education has given her an eternal perspective and taught her to “seek earnestly the best gifts.”2. John 14:26
The Holy Ghost shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance.Ever since Anastância was a child, math has not come easily to her. She became increasingly nervous as she attempted to tackle math problems in her PathwayConnect courses. After trying and repeatedly failing, Anastância turned to the Lord for help. “I decided to kneel down and ask my Heavenly Father for help,” she said. “The result came almost instantly! A few minutes after saying my prayer, I felt peace and comfort, and I did the exercise again and got it right!”
The Lord does not leave us alone. Anastância’s experience taught her that when we seek the Lord and put in the work, He will help us achieve success.
![Anastância with her family](!/quality/90/?
3. Alma 37:37
Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good.Anastância is certain the Lord led her to PathwayConnect. Her diligence in seeking the Lord allowed Him to “direct her for good.” Anastância has hopes of continuing her education and earning a BYU-Idaho bachelor’s degree online in applied business management, which is presented and coordinated by BYU-Pathway. Until then, she has jump-started her studies by reading books on administration and marketing strategies.
Anastância reminds her fellow PathwayConnect students that God is guiding BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “I don’t have any doubt that my Heavenly Father has been my tutor and partner on my educational journey.”