Make the Lord your partner in your education

Six years ago in Peru, Elder Carlos A. Godoy grew emotional as he stood before a crowd of hard-working young adults and BYU-Pathway Worldwide students staring back at him. What could he say to them? What did the Lord need them to hear?
Setting aside his prepared remarks, he stood and boldly declared, “What we are asking you to do is hard—especially if you are trying to do it on your own. The only way you can do this is to involve the Lord in your learning. Make the Lord your partner, and every good thing will come to you in time.”In a
1. Make the Lord your partner

This can be as simple as going to the Lord in prayer about what you should study, asking for help as you complete assignments and take tests, or seeking opportunities to serve your peers.
You are promised in Doctrine and Covenants 84 that as you do involve the Lord, His, “angels [will be] round about you, to bear you up.”2. Recognize the angels in your life
After finding the gospel and getting baptized, Elder Godoy felt very lonely. He was confident in his decision to join the Church of Jesus Christ but struggled finding friends. That was until he met Mônica, who started as his good friend and then later became his wife.
Sister Godoy saw Elder Godoy pushing himself out of his comfort zone to eventually find the friends who would be good influences to him. She reminded students, “Please, don’t give up on trying to belong. [The Lord] will send angels to help you.”3. Find opportunities to serve
While learning about the gospel, Elder Godoy found joy in service. As a young man, he accompanied a friend from his congregation to visit those in need. There, he learned the promised blessings that came with service, like the presence of the Spirit, confidence, and love for those he served.
“I hope you are actively engaged in service opportunities. It could be ministering, family history, temple service, or any other Church assignment where you forget about yourself and help others. It will bless you, strengthen you, and protect you,”