As we choose to make promises with Heavenly Father, we can have His help and power

In BYU-Pathway Worldwide’s September 2023 devotional , President Brian K. Ashton and Sister Melinda Ashton shared the experience of a young man named Caleb, whose learning challenges previously discouraged him from pursuing higher education and other opportunities.
However, as Caleb focused on the covenants he made with Heavenly Father, he was able to excel in his classes, receive better job opportunities, and gain confidence. Any person willing to make and keep their own covenants with God can receive the same personal blessings Caleb did.
What are covenants?
Covenants are agreements between God and His children. We can make promises with God just like how we can make promises with a friend or family member. However, in these sacred, eternal covenants, God sets the terms of the promise: He asks us to do something and promises to bless us if we follow what He’s asked. Honoring these covenants shows God that we want Him and His power in our lives.
Covenants aren’t the result of a perfect life—covenants are what help you work toward a life that’s filled with God’s power and love.
The first covenant members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is baptism. When we are baptized, we promise God that we will keep His commandments, always remember Jesus Christ, and take Jesus Christ’s name upon us (which means we will speak and act in the same way the Savior would). In return, through confirmation after baptism, God promises us that we will always have His Spirit with us.
We try to keep the promises we made to God throughout our lives. As we develop our faith in Jesus Christ, we can make additional covenants in the House of the Lord, the holy temple. Making and keeping covenants will continue to help us come closer to Heavenly Father and His Son.

Why do covenants matter?
Covenants empower us to accomplish goals and overcome challenges that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to on our own. As we honor our covenants with God, we bind ourselves to Him. The prophet of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, President Russell M. Nelson, said, "All those who have made a covenant with God have access to a special kind of love and mercy."When should I make covenants?

If you want more of God’s love, help, and strength in your life, determine your next step to make and keep covenants. Consider meeting with Church missionaries and preparing to be baptized and confirmed. Or, if you’re already a member of the Church—actively participating or not—choose today to recommit yourself to the covenants you’ve already made. God will bless you for your faithful, diligent efforts to make and keep covenants.
Remember, making covenants doesn’t mean you’re promising to be perfect. We will all make mistakes as we learn how to become more like Jesus Christ. But as you make efforts to keep your promises to God, He will give you the power you need to succeed.
Contributions from Natalia Ward