Students share how they are building their testimonies through education

There are specific experiences or decisions in life that can impact or change us. Can you think of one?
About these experiences, Elder Alexander Dushku, a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, explained, “Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a ray and there a ray — one small, treasured spiritual moment at a time — there grows up within us a core of light-filled, spiritual experiences.”
By seeking spiritual and temporal education, BYU-Pathway students gain greater light that strengthens their connection to Jesus Christ and helps them overcome their challenges. See the “rays of light” that have come into three students’ lives as they’ve pursued education through BYU-Pathway.

Carolina de Souza from Brazil

Now Carolina works as a mentor for other BYU-Pathway students, helping them feel increased hope. “BYU-Pathway changed everything. It brought light to my life again!”
Edgar Romero from Mexico
After immigrating to the United States, Edgar struggled to support his family of six, who were sharing a single bedroom. Joining BYU-Pathway eventually led him to a stable career as a real estate agent.
Edgar testifies of how his family experienced the Savior’s light: “During these years of challenges, my wife and I felt the love of our Savior so clearly and so intensely as never before in our lives. We know that He is always there for us.”
Karen Blesrubio from the Philippines

“My experiences in BYU-Pathway were not easy. I’ve encountered many difficulties in managing my time with [my responsibilities]. But during those moments I felt the light of Christ. He showered me with strength and confidence to feel that nothing is impossible if we believe in God.”
Sharing the light
Not only are BYU-Pathway students experiencing more light in their lives but they are illuminating the world with their light. In an address to BYU-Pathway employees, Elder Kim B. Clark stated, “BYU-Pathway will be everywhere. There will be light all over the earth, and people will see it. They will see it in the temples of the Lord, and they’ll see it in BYU-Pathway students. They’ll be drawn to the light to seek an education, to change the world.”
What rays of light have you experienced through BYU-Pathway?