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Feeding Their Hope

Learn how you have strengthened BYU-Pathway, one student at a time

A group of students celebrate by throwing their graduation caps in the air

In his message at the October 2024 President’s Dinner, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles highlighted the role donors play in student success.

“I grieve when a student must drop out because it becomes a choice between studying and survival,” he said. “Your generosity means more scholarships, more computers and other tools, and sometimes, just more food. Thank you for feeding their hope.”

BYU-Pathway Worldwide students will continue to be strengthened through the help of generous volunteers. Here are some ways, financial or otherwise, you can continue to support them.

An online chat conversation

Mentor students

With your unique background and skills, you can help individual students through virtual face-to-face mentoring opportunities.

Career Chat

Have a background in business or entrepreneurship? Leverage your network and experience to prepare students for employment opportunities through Career Chat.

English Chat

With English Chat, volunteers can help students improve their English language skills through casual, remote conversations. It’s perfect for individuals who have limited time but still want to make a difference.

Hire students

If your company or one you are connected with can utilize a global workforce, BYU-Pathway’s students are ready and qualified to work ( learn more ).

Conrad Smith, the CEO of Graphite Connect, said, “BYU-Pathway has quickly become our go-to resource for additional team members. This has brought us extended reach and cost efficiency without compromising talent quality.”

Two laptops with hearts on the screen

Donate laptops

Many students start BYU-Pathway with only a smartphone. By funding or donating surplus laptops, you can provide students with the resources they need to succeed.

Fortune Eshun from Ghana sometimes struggled to complete assignments, but receiving a laptop changed that. “When I started BYU-Pathway,” he said, “I had no money and wasn’t sure where my life was heading. Today, only two years later, I have a clear vision of what I can accomplish and how I can improve the lives of others.”

A rolled up degree tied with a blue ribbon

Tuition discounts

Tuition discounts help remove financial barriers so students can continue their education. Thanks to generous donors, BYU-Pathway was able to award 73,203 tuition discounts to 52,389 students in 2024.

Volunteer Today!

God bless you for what your sacrifices, financial and otherwise, accomplish in the lives of these long-suffering sons and daughters that He loves so dearly.
— Elder D. Todd Christofferson