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Three-Semester Pathway Program Changes Name to PathwayConnect

The creation of BYU-Pathway Worldwide has prompted a name change for the three-semester Pathway program to avoid confusion between the two. The three-semester, college-preparation program will now be called PathwayConnect.

PathwayConnect will operate the same way it did under its former name — as a one-year bridge that leads students to various certificate and degrees opportunities. All courses, gatherings, and after-Pathway options for students will remain the same.

Managing Director of PathwayConnect, J.D. Griffith said, “Many people have asked if BYU-Pathway Worldwide is just a new name for Pathway, and the answer is no. Although PathwayConnect is a part of BYU-Pathway Worldwide, it is only one of the offerings BYU-Pathway will provide.”

The development of BYU-Pathway Worldwide , including additional programs and offerings, is currently being strategized and will likely take many months.

Two women talking at a BYU-Pathway gathering.
Students in the PathwayConnect Program meet together for student-led discussions Thursday evenings and complete coursework online.