A happy woman in her graduation robes and hat.
A happy woman in her graduation robes and hat.
Application Process
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Preferred path icon PREFERRED PATH

The preferred path to a degree begins with PathwayConnect and is recommended for most students. No ACT/SAT required for admission. PathwayConnect includes foundational academic and religion courses that help students see increased success, and all courses count toward your degree.

  • No Standardized Tests icon
    ACT/SAT Scores
  • No Worthiness Interview icon
    Worthiness Interview
    (during PathwayConnect)
  • No cost to apply icon
    Cost to Apply
Diverse International Students Celebrating Graduation
BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides access to spiritually based degrees completely online at an affordable price.
  • Completely online
  • Supportive environment through weekly gatherings
  • Builds confidence
  • Increased spiritual learning
  • No ACT/SAT required for admission

Eligibility requirements

The following are requirements for admission to BYU-Pathway Worldwide via the preferred path:

  • Be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or have a close tie to the Church.
  • Be at least 17 years old (with a high school/secondary school diploma or equivalent) or age 18 and older (with or without a secondary school diploma or equivalent).
  • Attend weekly gatherings (either online or in person) during the first three semesters of your degree program.
  • Strive to live by the CES Honor Code.
  • Be capable of university-level academic work.
  • Complete an English proficiency assessment (for non-native English speakers). If you need help improving your English skills, BYU-Pathway recommends taking EnglishConnect, a language-learning program provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Have access to a smartphone and/or computer with internet and webcam/video chat capabilities. All PathwayConnect courses can be accessed and completed on a mobile device.

In 2025, you will need to meet the requirements below to complete PathwayConnect courses and continue your online degree program:

  • Earn a C or better in PC 101, PC 102, and PC 103
  • Earn a C- or better in your introductory certificate course
  • Earn two passing credits for your religion courses
  • Meet with your local Church leaders for an interview to get an ecclesiastical endorsement

Applications are open year-round!

2025 Application Deadline Dates

The combined application for all programs serviced by BYU-Pathway Worldwide is always open! Apply and register for courses by the priority deadline to guarantee your spot. If there is no longer space available, you will automatically be admitted to the next available block.

Start Application

Block 3


April 2: Priority Deadline
May 5: Final Deadline
May 5: First Day of Courses

Block 4


May 28: Priority Deadline
June 30: Final Deadline
June 30: First Day of Courses
I attended previously and didn't finish. How do I return?
You can easily return to BYU-Pathway by visiting and logging into the application with your Church account.
Adcvanced path icon ADVANCED PATH
The advanced path to a degree requires a more detailed application process and is primarily for U.S. students with significant previous university and online learning experience. *
Information for International Students
Students who live in countries outside the United States or Canada are encouraged to start their degree program through the preferred path, which begins with PathwayConnect. For international students particularly, the requirements for admission to PathwayConnect are simpler and more affordable.
(If you previously completed PathwayConnect, click here for information about next steps to continue your degree.)
  • Low Cost icon
    Higher price than the preferred path
  • Computer tablet and cellphone icon
    Completely Online
  • Bishop Icon
    Worthiness interview required


The following are requirements for admission to BYU-Pathway Worldwide via the advanced path:

  • Agree to live by the CES Honor Code.
  • Be in good standing (academic and financial) at any institution of higher learning previously attended.
  • Be clear of any unresolved legal action (probation, fines, listed on a registry, etc.).
  • Have daily access to a computer with high-speed internet.
  • Earned a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in high school (or equivalent) and any previous university courses taken, OR earned a minimum 3.0 program GPA in PathwayConnect academic courses (PC101/101L, PC102/102L, PC103/103L).
  • Have access to a smartphone and/or computer with internet and webcam/video chat capabilities. Learn more about the technology requirements for each degree.
Father graduate with his wife and two daughters
Application process
  • Submit transcripts for all credits earned from United States accredited universities
  • Meet with your local Church leaders for a worthiness interview to get an ecclesiastical endorsement
  • Submit additional materials, which may include:
    • High school/secondary transcripts (or equivalent)
    • ACT/SAT scores
    • TOEFL test scores (for non-native English speakers). Applicants who do not score high enough can consider enrolling in EnglishConnect.
Individuals who do not have access to, or do not want to submit the required documents, should start with the preferred path (outlined above), which has a simplified application process.

Applications are open year-round!

2025 Application Deadline Dates

The combined application for all programs serviced by BYU-Pathway Worldwide is always open! Apply and register for courses by the priority deadline to guarantee your spot. If there is no longer space available, you will automatically be admitted to the next available block.

Start Application

Block 3


April 2: Priority Deadline
May 5: Final Deadline
May 5: First Day of Courses

Block 4


May 28: Priority Deadline
June 30: Final Deadline
June 30: First Day of Courses
transfer student dark red icon CONTINUING STUDENTS
This icon emphasizes important information

If you are a current student, your student experience is changing and you will not need to apply again for an online degree program. We will send you details and instructions about these changes until our new system becomes available later this year.