A woman sits at a desk and takes notes from her computer
Woman sits in front of a computer, taking notes.
Woman sits in front of a computer, taking notes.
> ... Admissions
  • Low cost alternate icon
    Low Priced
    Costs significantly less than other schools
  • Digital icon
    All degrees are completely online
  • Spiritual icon
    Higher education combined with spiritual learning

Ready to begin your degree? Getting started is easy!

The preferred start to a degree begins with PathwayConnect, which includes foundational academic and religion courses that help students see increased success. All courses count toward your degree!

Are you a U.S. citizen with significant previous university and online learning experience? If so, you may also consider our advanced path to earning a degree.

BYU-Pathway Worldwide students celebrating graduation in April 2024.
BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides access to spiritually based degrees completely online at an affordable price.

Eligibility Requirements

Admission Requirements
The following are requirements for admission to BYU-Pathway Worldwide via the preferred path:
  • Be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or have a close tie to the Church.
  • Be at least 17 years old (with secondary school completion or equivalent) or over age 18 (with or without a secondary school completion or equivalent).
  • Attend weekly gatherings during the first three terms of your degree program.
  • Strive to live by the CES Honor Code. *
    The first year of a degree program is called PathwayConnect. After PathwayConnect, students must personally commit to observe the CES Honor Code through the remainder of their online degree program.
  • Be capable of university-level academic work.
  • Complete an English proficiency assessment (for non-native English speakers). If you need help improving your English skills, BYU-Pathway recommends taking EnglishConnect, a language-learning program provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Have access to a smartphone and/or computer with internet and webcam/video chat capabilities. All PathwayConnect courses can be accessed and completed on a mobile device.
PathwayConnect Completion Requirements
In 2025, you will need to meet the requirements below to complete PathwayConnect courses and continue your online degree program:
  • Earn a C or better in PC 101, PC 102, and PC 103
  • Earn a C- or better in your introductory certificate course
  • Earn two passing credits for your religion courses
  • Meet with your local Church leaders for an interview to get an ecclesiastical endorsement

2025 Application Deadline Dates

Block 1


December 7: Priority Deadline
January 6: Final Deadline
January 6: First Day of Courses

Block 2


January 29: Priority Deadline
March 3: Final Deadline
March 3: First Day of Courses